Thursday, May 20, 2021

Argumentative essay on child abuse

Argumentative essay on child abuse

argumentative essay on child abuse

It is in fact accepted that child abuse consisting of sexual abuse is highly tormenting and scars a child for life with substantial damage emotionally, mentally and physically, however, it is reasonable to say that abuse of all types from mild to serious levels causes significant damages to a child’s development Argumentative Essay On Child Abuse have been taking place, such as child abuse. Although it is not often spoken of in the United States, child abuse continues to be one of the growing social problems of the country, keeping in mind the number of children who end up in protective services each year is increasing 7/8/ · Argumentative essay of child abuse When one sees a child, walking with there parents one as a person visualizes a child that is with his loving parents, a child that is the lights of innocence and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins

Argumentative Essay On Child Abuse |

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Everyday a child suffers from these, physically, verbally and sexually. You might be wondering how anyone could have a heart so weak and bitter to do perform these tasks on an innocent child. Everyday a child gets abused either physically, verbally or sexually by their so called caring parents who are supposed to love them and keep them in a safe and secure environment ironically in their home, argumentative essay on child abuse.

Physical abuse is when you use actions instead argumentative essay on child abuse communicating verbally and if serious enough can result in death. A child can be hit, kicked or even punched which argumentative essay on child abuse bruises or broken bones! Don't use plagiarized sources. A child does not have the physical strength to over power their abusers, If they try to fight back they will suffer serious consequences! Sometimes a child can be used as a human ashtray, such a worthless Item!

Is a child as worthless as an ashtray? Abusers try to cover up the marks they have left on their victims usually by covering them with layers of clothes and threatening them if they tell anyone they will be in for a serious beaten. An example of abusers trying to cover their victims arks up is, the incident that happened with which used to be a bubbly blue eyed little boy Baby P who was abused for 17 months without anyone having the slightest concern that anything like this was happening behind closed doors.

Baby P could do nothing to stop this saying he was so young. Anyone old enough to tell anyone is too afraid to open their mouths to anyone about what Is argumentative essay on child abuse on because they knew that If It got back o their abusers they would suffer serious consequences. Shouting uncontrollably at a child makes them feel like crawling up in a corner, feeling scared, hugging their knees as tight as possible just dreaming that this would all come to an end, argumentative essay on child abuse.

Bad language from a parent sets a bad example for a child and makes them feel like they are a piece of dirt on the floor Just waiting to be swept up and put in the bin. They could be saying comments about someone they love or a family member which they were close too which they have lost. Sexual abuse can lead to losses of trust, decreases in self esteem, and development of shame, guilt and depression.

In serious circumstances it can lead to eating disorders, substance abuse, suicide and prostitution. They try to run away from their fears, but in the end they know they are going to have to face reality again! They will be left do argumentative essay on child abuse tasks by themselves which include: making lunches for school, making meals to eat, doing homework by themselves, doing chores by themselves because they onto have the luxury of having parents that love them and would normally perform those tasks for them argumentative essay on child abuse they were a real caring family.

A child would be spending most of their days having thoughts running through their heads about what it would be like to have a family that loved and cared for them. They would be dreaming of jumping into hot bubble baths which would be run for them by their mother; newly ironed dresses, waiting anxiously on the bed ready to be worn; a delicious home cooked meal set on the table ready to be eaten; and diving into a comfy, warm bed not having the worries of being beaten the following day.

Child abuse usually happens due too specific reason from the abuser, argumentative essay on child abuse. Some of these reasons are: the abuser was abused during his childhood and they feel the need to take these actions out on another person to show how they were treated when they were young. The abuser could be an alcohol addict and this could result in them becoming violent when they have been drinking and taking all their anger out on a child.

It could argumentative essay on child abuse caused by the abuser having stress and not knowing how to deal with it properly and using violence as a way to get the stress out of their heads. It could also be brought on to the children because they might be born with a serious illness or having characteristics that the abuser does not like or cannot deal with and they find abuse is the way to get rid of it. Al with their problems and can be done with confidentiality, in serious circumstances they will deal your problem as soon as possible.

If you feel like you want to talk to someone in your local area there are councilors which attend your school a couple of days a week. If you feel that you are not ready to have a face to face chat with somebody you can phone organizations such as: NSP — National National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence. These will help you deal with your problems confidently and try and get you to a safe environment as quickly as they can without having to let your abuser know that you rang them Cite this Child abuse argumentative Child abuse argumentative, argumentative essay on child abuse.

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Argumentative Essay on Child Abuse |

argumentative essay on child abuse

7/8/ · Argumentative essay of child abuse When one sees a child, walking with there parents one as a person visualizes a child that is with his loving parents, a child that is the lights of innocence and blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Maren Goodrich Ms. Jensen English April 29, Abortion Argumentative Essay On average about million unborn children are aborted every year. Abortion is killing an unborn baby and it should be illegal. Abortion is wrong because it supports irresponsibility by parents. It gives the unborn children no choice or opportunity at life Argumentative Essay On Child Abuse Words5 Pages Growing up my parents ran a daycare in (at) our house so I was always surrounded by children (the good and the bad). My parents were the type who had no problem enforcing physical punishments such as spanking, the flick of the hand, a pop on the mouth, etc

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