Thursday, May 20, 2021

Causes of obesity essay

Causes of obesity essay

causes of obesity essay

 · Obesity is when our bodies store more than the acceptable amounts of fats that might have a powerful effect on our health. Moreover, People become obese for many different reasons. Besides, the most trending habits that cause obesity are indiscretion nutrition, and sedentary lifestyle, not having enough portion of sleep  · This is also the second leading cause of avoidable death in the nation. The leading causes that contribute to obesity are: eating excessively, getting insufficient exercise, and malnutrition. However, there are other secondary causes related to our culture that are not commonly mentioned. Overeating is evidently one of the predominant blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins  · There are many causes of obesity, and genes play a small role in how it can affect a person in the future. “Science shows that genetics plays a role in obesity. Genes can directly cause obesity in disorders such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome”. (Etiology, n.d.p.1)

Essay on Obesity Causes, Effects, Solutions for Students

What is your favourite food? Is it a pizza? or Golgappe? We love a lot of food items and there is so much variety of food is available nowadays. Food is one of the basic human needs and it is very crucial to stay alive. But what happens when the same food that saves your life becomes the reason behind your bad health? Yes, obesity occurs when the food intake of a person is causes of obesity essay high that the person becomes overweight.

Hence we are writing this essay on obesity in English for students from class 5 to class 12 to create awareness about obesity. To make students and kids aware of the causes of obesity essay lifestyle they are asked to write essays on topics like the importance of hygiene, the importance causes of obesity essay sportsobesity, etc.

The students are also asked to write a paragraph in their exams and deliver a speech on such topics. In this article, we have given you an essay on obesity in the English language. The information in this essay is helpful for preparing a speech or to write a paragraph on the topic of obesity. Have you ever imagine yourself not able to walk because of the huge amount of bodyweight? Do you feel exhausted by walking just a few minutes? Do you often feel cravings for the sweet sugary food?

Then you should stop and think for a while because these are the symptoms of obesity. Obesity is one of the diseases which is affecting the health of people all over the world. The WHO World Health Organization has declared obesity as an epidemic. In simple words, it can be explained as when your body stores the excessive amount of fats in your body, and it is not suitable according to your height BMI the can create many health-related problems.

The person affected by obesity is called obese. Obesity is calculated by the Body Mass Index BMI. In BMI the weight of the person is in kilograms is divided by the squared height in centimetres. The resulting number is your BMI. The BMI between 20 to 25 is considered normal, whereas people with a BMI of more than 25 are considered overweight and people with BMI beyond 30 are obese. The dangerous phase of obesity is when the BMI crosses 35, then the person is called severely obese.

The BMI is sometimes not considered as a good measure to calculate obesity because some causes of obesity essay like athletes have more muscle weight than the fats, hence they cannot be considered as obese. The causes of obesity revolve around three things and those are the diet, the lifestyle and the education.

Overeating is the more common reason behind it. People suffering from obesity tend to eat a lot of food hence, they consume a lot more amount of calories that a person needs daily.

These extra calories are stored in the body in the form of fats. Poor nutrition choices is another cause of obesity.

Eating high carbohydrate fast food, sweets, causes of obesity essay, high amount of sugar-based foods, carbonated fizzy drinks like cola, soda and cold drinks, high cholesterol oil fried food, processed food with the high amount of preservatives and saturated fats are unhealthy for the human body.

The smaller amount of fast-food causes of obesity essay more amount of bad causes of obesity essay as compared to home-cooked food, causes of obesity essay. Obesity can be genetic too. It means if your parents and family members are suffering from obesity then you more likely to be obese too.

Hormones play a very important role in human health, causes of obesity essay. Problems in the hormones can also cause obesity. People suffering from eating disorders are obese. The psychological problems like depression and stress can cause stress eating where a person eats a lot of food while in stress.

Lack of sleep can also cause obesity. Our lifestyle has a great impact on our health. The lifestyle choices we make can be the causes of obesity. The decreased movement of the body can result in the storage of the calories, causes of obesity essay. Many people avoid daily exercises hence it becomes the reason behind obesity.

Teenagers and college students tend to eat junk food outside and not eat home-cooked food causing obesity. Teenagers and kids today spend a lot of their time playing video games, watching movies at home instead of playing outside resulting in reduced physical activity that causes obesity. The lack of education is one of the key causes of obesity.

People with very low knowledge about nutrition, healthy practices, exercises tend to be obese. People know very less about the nutrition value of the food they are eating.

They are unaware of what type of food they are eating. Today causes of obesity essay is not a need, it has become a luxury now. Kids are fed too much, causes of obesity essay. They are given chocolates, ice creams, and many other sugar-rich food items. All these causes result in obesity. Obesity drastically causes of obesity essay the health of an obese person. It can create so many severe health-related problems to the victim.

Except for the increased body weight, shortness of breath, tiredness, over-sweating, fatigue, lethargy, these are the symptoms of obesity. Obese people have a high possibility of the heart attack as their blood vessels are filled with fats hence no space for blood to flow which is called coronary artery disease. The people suffering from obesity are highly possible to get a stroke.

Obesity can be avoided and cured by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating a proper diet like eating less junk food, avoiding outside and processed food. preferring healthy home-cooked food with nutrition can help to avoid obesity. Exercising daily for a few minutes can be really helpful to avoid obesity. Working out daily can help to burn the extra calories and maintain your body weight. Educating kids and youth in childhood about the importance of health can help them to learn more about nutrition and health and keep them away from obesity.

Obesity is no doubt a major problem faced by the world and obesity management has become the need of the hour. But by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising daily can avoid the risk of obesity. Together we can tackle the monster of obesity today and live a healthier and happier tomorrow.

I hope this article has given you a better insight into obesity and answered all your questions. This essay can also help with IELTS exam too. I hope you guys can help us to translate this essay into regional languages like Hindi, Marathi, Gujarathi, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Punjabi, etc.

If you like this essay on obesity then please let us know by commenting below. We love reading your comments. Thank you. So, here I am, determined to change the world and leave my mark on it, one word at a time. Campus Jugaad. Contents hide. Obesity Essay, Speech Causes, Effects, Solutions for Class 5 to 12 Causes of Obesity Overeating.

Poor Nutrition. Depression and Sleep Disorders. Sedentary Work. Junk food and Lack of Exercise. Lack of Nutritional Education. Effects of Obesity Various Health Issues. Solutions to Obesity. Tips for the Essay on Obesity in English. Tips for the Speech on Obesity in English. You may also like. Ajay Chavan "Cut from a different cloth" I believe words have the power to change the world. View all posts, causes of obesity essay.

Causes \u0026 Effects of Obesity. Writing Demonstration.

, time: 32:34

Essay on Obesity : Causes, Effects, Prevention & Solution

causes of obesity essay

In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Obesity means BMI greater than (ibid). This essay will outline the causes and effects of obesity. Diet, lifestyle, toxic environment and the causes of obesity are physical, psychological and economic are impacts. One fundamental cause of obesity is diet  · Obesity is not called an eating disorder. In general, obesity does not include proper eating patterns or habits. Irregular eating patterns ultimately contribute to the cause of eating disorders, not obesity. Anorexia nervosa is the scientific name given to the disorder in which a person is afraid of gaining weight and turning blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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