10/7/ · The Hobbit’s elves, trolls and especially dwarves, which forge beautiful and valuable treasures deep inside mountains, are Nordic creations. The name of the head dwarf, Thorin Oakenshield, is found in the Prose Edda, and is derived from the Icelandic words Thorin, meaning “bold one” and Eikinskjaldi, meaning “with oak-shield” The Hobbit is structured as a classic quest narrative, a common feature in many ancient epics. In this type of story, a hero sets out to accomplish a dangerous goal, often traveling over the span of his known world in the process and encountering representative samples of its different people 12/3/ · The Hobbit Essay Many science fiction fantasy novels have a hero or heroine. In J.R.R Tolkien’s novel the hobbit Bilbo Baggins is a hero, Even though he finds a ring of invisibility that allows him to preform surprising feats. Some of his acts of heroism are when Bilbo make his first attempt at burglary when he steals from the trolls, when he
The Hobbit, Essay Sample
In what ways does The Hobbit resemble ancient epic literature? In what ways does it differ? What effect do these connections have on the overall meaning of the novel? At first glance, The Hobbit, with its sweetly cantankerous hero and playful narrative style, does not seem to resemble grim, grand epics such as Beowulf or The Iliad. In their grandiosity, the epics that Tolkien studied seem completely unlike the simple adventure story he wrote. Though The Hobbit is written in a more colloquial, child-friendly style than the classical epics, it makes many nods toward oral storytelling, a key stylistic element of these ancient works.
The earliest epics derived from long, sprawling tales told to live audiences, just as The Hobbit began as a series of bedtime stories Tolkien told to his children. Not only do these verses make the novel more fun to read aloud, they also demonstrate how the inhabitants of Middle Earth use music and poems to reinforce community, essays on the hobbit, maintain a sense of history, and commemorate and celebrate notable events.
The Hobbit is structured as a classic quest narrative, a common feature in many ancient epics. In this type of story, a hero sets out to accomplish a dangerous goal, often traveling over the span of his known world in the process and encountering representative samples of its different people.
Along the way to achieving his ultimate objective, essays on the hobbit, the protagonist encounters a series of setbacks, each of which constitutes a separate, discrete episode in the narrative. Not unlike a modern video game, Bilbo and the dwarves must pass several distinct tests—the trolls, the goblins of the Misty Mountains, the giant spiders, and the wood elves of Mirkwood—before they reach the essays on the hobbit showdown with Smaug, which represents the culmination of the quest narrative.
The dragon as final challenge is a familiar motif in the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian epics Beowulf being the most famous exampleand the scene features many items commonly found in these stories, such as riddles, named swords, magic objects, and significant talismans. In addition, modest little Bilbo seems to acknowledge his heroic role most decisively in this scene.
In fact, in these last sections of the novel, the contrast between Bilbo and the archetypal hero becomes even more pronounced. Epic heroes tend to be nobly or divinely born, possessed of supernatural skill or strength, essays on the hobbit, and preoccupied with fame and glory—none of which applies to Bilbo.
Eventually it is the human captain, Bard, who finally kills the dragon. If anyone in The Hobbit resembles a traditional hero, it is the grim, courageous Bard, who distinguishes himself both as a warrior and as a wise, sober leader. And in the end, he receives the more traditional heroic rewards: fame, honor, and a high position of power.
However, essays on the hobbit, Bard is never more than a supporting character in this story. Bilbo is clearly the protagonist and hero of The Hobbit, and Tolkien suggests that we should honor him as such for very different reasons than ancient Europeans would have honored their essays on the hobbit. Rather, it is an act of selflessness: He offers the precious Arkenstone, equivalent to his percentage of the treasure, as a bargaining chip for the humans to negotiate a settlement with the dwarves.
Bilbo may not have defeated the dragon or vanquished the Wargs, but he single-handedly brought unity to the people of the Five Armies, establishing a peaceful coalition that will prove crucial in the subsequent Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The fact that he rejects the traditional heroic rewards—neither receiving nor requiring fame and glory—only makes him more heroic and admirable. Looking for homework help that takes the stress out of studying? Sign up for our weekly newsletter! Search all of SparkNotes Search Suggestions Use up and down essays on the hobbit to review and enter to select.
Character List Bilbo Baggins Gandalf Thorin Essays on the hobbit. Themes Motifs Symbols Key Facts. Important Quotes Explained Quotes By Theme Heroism Race Greed Quotes By Section Essays on the hobbit 1 Chapters 2—3 Chapters 4—5 Chapters 6—7 Chapters 8—9 Chapters 10—11 Chapters 12—13 Chapters 14—15 Chapters 16—17 Chapters 18—19 Quotes By Character Bilbo Baggins Gandalf Thorin Gollum Smaug.
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What The Hobbit Gets Right
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24/9/ · Posts about The Hobbit Essays written by Olga. As the manuscripts of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings made their ways to the publishers in their respective time, Tolkien faced an unexpected blogger.com of the instances of Dwarves or dwarvish and elvish or elven were corrected to Dwarfs, dwarfish, elfish and elfin to coincide with the standard dictionary Theme Essay This paper is about the theme of the book, The Hobbit by: J. R. R. Tolkien. There will be 3 main topics to describe the theme of this blogger.com first main point is the fact that Bilbo Baggins, who is the main character of the book, is sheltered until Gandalf, a wizard, and his dwarf friends invite Bilbo on an blogger.com second point, is when Bilbo starts to find his true 12/3/ · The Hobbit Essay Many science fiction fantasy novels have a hero or heroine. In J.R.R Tolkien’s novel the hobbit Bilbo Baggins is a hero, Even though he finds a ring of invisibility that allows him to preform surprising feats. Some of his acts of heroism are when Bilbo make his first attempt at burglary when he steals from the trolls, when he
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