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Haiti earthquake essay

Haiti earthquake essay

haiti earthquake essay

Essay On Haitian Earthquake; Essay On Haitian Earthquake. Words 4 Pages. Results of The Haiti Earthquake of The earthquake of was a on the Richter Scale. This large earthquake caused the death of , people. This was due to poor building structure and little warning. There were too many bodies to move and so few people Jul 07,  · Haiti Earthquake (Essay Sample) Instructions: Haiti Earthquake Haiti was badly hit by the earthquake four years ago. The earthquake hit the capital city of Port-au-Prince and killing more than two hundred individuals. Today, much of Port-au-Prince appears as though it did before the earthquake. A large portion of the tent camps in the Nov 18,  · Essay on Cause And Effect Of Haiti Earthquake terrifying earthquake with a magnitude of hits Port-au-Prince, Haiti causing a huge number of damages and casualties. As if the large-scale earthquake wasn’t horrid enough there were 33

Haiti earthquake - Essay - words

The earthquake left a wave of destruction and death. Overpeople died while overwere injured and over one million more were rendered homeless. The catastrophic earthquake caused damage and devastation in a country that was previously poor. According to UNDP, Transparency InternationalHaiti was facing political instability, widespread poverty and poor governance as most of other third world nations.

The country lacked necessary infrastructures to deal with the disaster and had to rely heavily on international aid to deal with the resulting humanitarian needs. Haiti has high unemployment levels, most government institutions are poor and it faces environmental degradation. The country also has high insecurity and violence levels making the country very delicate CDA According to Rice and PatrickHaiti is ranked th out of in reference to State Weakness among the Developing world. The population of Haiti is predominantly poor.

Inthe country was ranked out of in the UNDP humanitarian development index, haiti earthquake essay. Humanitarian aid for the country has continued to increase over the years.

Haiti has a high population density with most people about The poor economic standards of Haiti has forced the country to be susceptible to humanitarian crisis. Effect of the earthquake on the local population : Haiti has experienced various disasters over the years.

They include landslides, floods, haiti earthquake essay, storms hurricanes earthquakes and Tsunamis, haiti earthquake essay. The county has recorded over 18, deaths, about 4, injuries and about ,00 homelessness between the years and Inthe country witnessed hurricane Fay, hurricane Hanna and hurricane Ike, haiti earthquake essay. The hurricanes left awake of destruction and death. It affected over 1 million people. The country is venerable to hydro-metrological disasters as it is located in a seismically active region.

The country has not experienced a major earthquake for over years. The effects of any disaster are different depending on the population of where they occur. The effect vary as a result of economic system, preparedness, livelihood strategies, availability of resources to deal with the disaster, population density and both the expectations of the government and those of the public.

When a disaster happens in urban areas, the effects are bound to be more severe. In Haiti for example, most people live in the urban areas. This causes urban areas to experience wide range of effects both socially and economically, haiti earthquake essay.

The tall building and poor infrastructures is contributor to the adverse effect. Disasters cause adverse destruction of both the natural haiti earthquake essay manmade environment. They lender people homeless and expose them to humanitarian crises like overcrowding and sanitary issues.

This may cause diseases outbreak. People who are left homeless can only rely on the government to take care of them. According to Jutkowitz, King and Pierre32Haiti urban population tend to rely more on the government to offer solutions. Haiti earthquake posed a major challenge to the government and it made appealed for Humanitarian aid from international countries and organizations. International Aid and Response Initially the response foreign countries were slow.

The Haiti government under President Rene Prevail tried to manage the situation by providing assistance to people who wanted to go back to the rural areas. The government also allowed people to bring goods to the country without paying tax. The government also offered leadership during the crisis management, haiti earthquake essay.

It assisted in the recovery process. The local government, religious groups and the local communities were also working closer with the government in order to solve the humanitarian crisis Oxfam, Various factors were cited as the reason for the delayed involvement in the disaster management.

They include Haiti earthquake essay on how to work with the cluster ICG Poor infrastructure that hindered access to the operation point Communication problems due to linguistic differences Teams The teams on the ground were working very hard to avert more deaths and other humanitarian crisis, haiti earthquake essay. The Haiti earthquake so the involvement of USAR urban search and rescue team.

The earthquake disaster led to the deployment of a record 53 USAR The teams worked successfully rescued people who had been trapped inside the rumbles of the collapsed building Grünewald and Renaudin haiti earthquake essay the team used the experience it had gained when dealing with the hurricane to revive the clusters. This was done by the Humanitarian County Team and it lead to swift, smooth operation. Coordination When the international community responded to the appeal by the president, they came in large numbers.

This created a challenge of coordinating the teams. The international organizations and NGOs faced difficulties in the region due to the limited knowledge and understanding they had about Haiti Grünewald and Binder To overcome these challenges, two NGOs formed an On-site Coordination Centre to coordinate the activities of the Operations.

During the start of the rescue operation, most NGOs were based at haiti earthquake essay Minustah Log Base where the sanitary and hygienic issues were becoming a challenge.

They were living in tents and holding logistical meeting was becoming a challenge, as interruptions were very frequent. Though the initial surge capability was vital in giving support to the organizations, the impact of short-term staff had not been evaluated. Coordination was also hampered by organizations such as International Council of Voluntary Agencies ICVA who wanted individual recognition alongside American Council for Voluntary Logistics Logistical challenges became a major barrier in coordinating the humanitarian operations.

The port was severely damaged while the airport operated above its capacity. Due to the incoming aid, the tracking systems in various ports had been over stretched. This cause most of the goods coming in to the country to go bad before reaching the intended destinations. The Haiti earthquake also affected the security sector of the country. Apart from losing the interim UNPOL Commissioner, haiti earthquake essay, the sector also experienced 77 deaths and injuries to the HNP officers MINUSTAH, In the aftermath, there were claims of looting and sexual violence.

According to the ICGthe media exaggerated these events. In a survey carried in March the same yearit was found that most people living in camps felt insecure. Their insecurity emanated from various cases of rape, violence, and the emergence of gangs and the presence of jail escapees. The earthquake also caused insecurity among the young people as overwere left without families MINUSTAH Not only were the children exposed to physical insecurity but also to emotional insecurity as they did not have someone they could rely on to help them achieve their dreams or even someone who could haiti earthquake essay for their needs Republic of Haiti The earthquake also left init wake over 5,disability cases which include about tetraplegia cases Republic of Haiti Victims were also left exposed to various forms of abuses due to congestion, haiti earthquake essay, poor lighting IRC Women and young girls were left exposed to violence, and hence the Human Response Working Group advocated for improved access to haiti earthquake essay, food and for provision of separate sanitation.

As well they advocated for improved lighting. MINUSTAH, OCHA and partners established a joint tasking and operations platform on the 26 th Jan where humanitarian community requested assistance from the military and the police. United States of America and the Republic of Canada sent its military to help the relief and recovery efforts, haiti earthquake essay.

The appeal was published worldwide more quickly haiti earthquake essay usual due to the enormous impact of the disaster. These conferences sought to prepare for donations which would be given to the Haiti people, haiti earthquake essay. The world donated fully where half the American Households were reported to have donated, haiti earthquake essay.

By 23 rd March, the U. UNOSAT and Google Earth were the first to carry out the damage assessments where they provided an approximation of the damage and number of people displaced. They also provided information for the initial flash appeal Grünewald and Renaudin The interviews which were originally carried out in Creole language were a translated to French thus possible changes might have taken place.

The questionnaire was so long and involving, haiti earthquake essay, requiring approximately three hours to fill out as it was a 12 pages document.

There were incomplete datasets which occurred as a result of uncompleted surveys due to transport constraints. New technologies were used alongside other haiti earthquake essay communication forms and media coverage. Haiti earthquake essay social media networks were also used to coordinate collaborate and act upon the information submitted by the Haiti citizens who were affected by the tragedy.

Such networks included: Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and YouTube. An Emergency Information System EIS was set up by the Thomas Reuters Foundation and was used to report the missing people as well as food and shelter issues Large As a result, they published the Gender Shadow ReportHaiti.

Haiti is highly vulnerable to other disasters which usually affect the displaced persons in both rural and urban areas. Among the environmental issues the country face are soil erosion, overused land, and population as well as health epidemics due to poor life quality in the overcrowded areas UNEP The earthquake worsened the situations with a large part of the respondents to the Oxfam survey blaming the environmental issues for the huge damage incurred during and after the earthquake Pierre Conclusion On the haiti earthquake essay of January 12,Haiti was faced by one of haiti earthquake essay most severe natural tragedies on it is history.

It was hit by a high magnitude earthquake which left an excess ofhaiti earthquake essay, people dead, almost double that number nursing injuries and over one million homeless. Such natural disasters have got adverse effects on both rural and urban areas worldwide. The earthquake hit the urban centers destroying the multi storey buildings, the infrastructure, fire safety and other hazard issues.

Many people were displaced posing a threat to their livelihood and leading to overcrowding in camps which had poor sanitation. This resulted to out breaks of diseases like cholera and other hygienic diseases.

The world came together to help the people and government of Haiti. The Haiti administration led the people in their jurisdiction and helped in recovery and other aids.

They collaborated with the international organizations like Red-Cross, religious outfits and other local grassroots organizations to lender a helping hand to the citizens. However, the great number of NGOs involved led to a coordination crisis on the haiti earthquake essay response.

The organizations also faced other problems like communication, health issues and disrupted health programs, security concerns and disrupted infrastructure. Free Custom «Haiti Earthquake » Essay Paper Home Free Essays Research Haiti Earthquake essay. Log in Email.

Haiti earthquake response

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Essay On Haiti Earthquake - Words | Help Me

haiti earthquake essay

Haiti Earthquake. On Tuesday, January 12, , an earthquake of on the Richter scale struck Haiti. The Haitian government estimates that over , people died as a result of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, marking this earthquake as one of the most destructive and fatal in history Haiti Earthquake Essay. The first effect applies to the people in the country, according to Haiti Post Disasters Needs Assessment, which is an identity made by the Government of the Republic of Haiti. They wrote an article about the damage in Haiti after the earthquake, they declare that “Over , people lost their lives and The Haiti Earthquake: Engineering and Human Perspectives The year marked six years since the Haiti Earthquake occurred. The Haiti earthquake led to the loss of over , lives. It further led to the displacement of millions of people. There was further destruction of thousands of properties

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