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Human rights violations essay

Human rights violations essay

human rights violations essay

Human Rights Violations Philosophy Essay. Human rights describe equal rights and freedom for anyone and everyone regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion or political affiliation. All humans live in societies together. As stated by the U.N. declaration of Human Rights in “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights Apr 23,  · Human rights violations in the workplace According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Nov 19,  · Human rights are the inalienable rights for all human being and it was declared by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December They have become the universal fundamental human rights for all human being in all nations. This declaration embraces thirty articles of rights and freedom for all (United Nations, )

Human Rights Violations Free Essay Example

Special offer! Promo code: SAVE Thesis: The enforcement and upholding human rights goes a long way in promoting justice, tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity. There is a general agreement that fundamental human rights and freedoms should be accorded to people no matter the situation or circumstance.

In times of warfare, there is often a widespread violation of human, political, and fundamental rights. Sometimes women face the worst form of human right violation through rape or forced into prostitution.

Due to globalization governments should human rights violations essay their laws to fight against human rights violation. All governments across the world should put in place strict penalties against people that violate human rights.

Human rights violation essay instructions — ways through which human rights are violated and what can be done human rights violations essay ensure human rights are protected. In every society, there are fundamental rights and freedoms put in place. There is also the concept of natural rights. Defined, human rights violations essay, natural rights are those rights that are believed all human beings and animals are entitled to as provided by natural law.

Society often views these rights to be inalienable, implying it is almost impossible to take them away. Noteworthy, life, liberty, and property are the most important natural rights. When the U. The Declaration of the Rights of Man too espoused the idea. Those who supported the idea, including Thomas Jefferson and John Locke, believed that the government has the purpose of protecting the natural rights of people through a social contract.

In such a contract, members of a society implicitly agree human rights violations essay pursue social benefits through mutual cooperation. However, different actions and practices often lead to violation of these rights. A violation of human rights is dangerous and illegal in any society since it defeats the purpose the rights were established in the first place.

The enforcement and upholding of human rights goes a long way in promoting justice, tolerance, mutual respect, and human dignity. These rights include but not limited to civil liberties, political rights, and most importantly the right to life.

The protection of human rights ensures that individuals are not treated inhumanely or indecently. A violation of human rights denies individuals their basic moral entitlements. That is, violation of these rights means that one is treated in an undeserving manner. Some of the universal human rights abuses and those termed as crimes against humanity, according to Ekpainclude genocide, torture, slavery, rape, enforced sterilization, human rights violations essay, medical experimentation, and deliberate starvation.

In such situations, the worst violation of human rights and specifically the right to life include massacres, starvation of people, and genocide. Defined, genocide refers to the human rights violations essay of people of a particular race, ethnicity, or religious group en-masse MacKinnon, The killing of people and causing them bodily harm, prevention of birth, or forcibly transferring children are all human rights violations.

Human rights violations essay is considered as one of the most serious violation of human rights. Sometimes, women face the worst form of human rights violation through rape or forced prostitution.

At other times, the international community fails to consider sexual crimes that happen during times of war.

However, crimes involving sexual mutilation, humiliation, and forced pregnancy are common Bunch, Another case of human violation among women is that of trafficking whereby they are transported to long distances for prostitution. At times, these acts against women are performed intentionally. For instance, human rights violations essay, in the s, the media proclaimed that rape and other sexual crimes were carried out deliberately during the Bosnian war.

The police are another group that are notorious for violating fundamental human rights. The most common violation of human rights by the police is brutality.

Most of the times, the police are known to exert excessive violence when quelling riots and protests. It is a dangerous human rights violation since even though it is considered illegal, human rights violations essay, it can be carried out under the color of law. There are numerous videos and news article that show images of people being mistreated in the hands of people who should uphold and implement the very human rights.

Undoubtedly, there are numerous cases of human rights violations. The question that ought to be considered is how these rights should be protected. When it comes to crimes against humanity, there should be a humanitarian intervention Shelton, Although it is a highly protested debate, humanitarian intervention will go a long way in ensuring that people are not subjected to inhumane treatment.

The international community should also ensure that international standards related to human rights are promoted without having an interest in a nation but for the sake of the suffering citizens. The citizens of any nation should have adequate knowledge of their rights to ensure that they are not violated.

It is often said that knowledge is power, which means that when people possess knowledge concerning their rights, they will know human rights violations essay the rights are violated and where to go in order to seek redress, human rights violations essay.

Due to globalization, governments should revise their laws to fight against human rights violation. In the wake of the 21st century, there has been an increase in trading activities across borders meaning that non-state actors are more involved in issues related to human rights Shelton, Although globalization has enhanced the ability to carry out activities beyond borders, some people have found loopholes through which to violate human rights.

Therefore, governments should ensure that they close such loopholes by adopting laws that acknowledge the world as a global village. All governments across the world should put in place strict penalties against people who violate human rights. Sometimes, the government might turn a blind eye to such situations, but the situations brew catastrophe in the long run. In this light, the fight against human rights violation should start with the government and spread to other parties.

When human rights are violated, it means that there is a total disregard of basic human moral entitlements. Therefore, people should be educated on their rights and governments should play a role in protecting these rights without turning a blind eye to any situation involving human rights violation.

Bunch, C. Ekpa, S. Human rights violation. MacKinnon, C. In Genocide and human rights pp. New York, NY: Routledge. Shelton, D. Remedies in international human rights law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world.

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What are the universal human rights? - Benedetta Berti

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Violations on Human Rights: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

human rights violations essay

Nov 19,  · Human rights are the inalienable rights for all human being and it was declared by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December They have become the universal fundamental human rights for all human being in all nations. This declaration embraces thirty articles of rights and freedom for all (United Nations, ) Apr 23,  · Human rights violations in the workplace According to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Human Rights Violation In History. Throughout history, many people have been oppressed and denied human rights. The way people think about human rights have evolved. Back then many people thought it was ok to oppress the citizen in order to become superior while today we find human rights violation inhumane

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